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In Praise of PR

Bill Gates famously said that if he was down to the last dollar of his marketing budget, he’d spend it on PR but with...

Data Set to Drive OOH’s Future

Access to quality data will become increasingly important to delivering on the possibilities that OOH can deliver and this includes better consumer data, writes...

Blurring Lines

As news organisations continue to downsize, the lines between journalism and PR are becoming increasingly blurred. Content creation, once the preserve of journalists, is...

Changing Names, Changing Times

The successful brands of the future will be the ones that deliver an immersive shopping experience both online and offline and without any agency...

The Trust Factor

Although the Irish media industry is likely to undergo some profound changes over the coming years – with consolidation a distinct possibility- there’s still...

How to Market a Movement

As the recent Trump campaign showed, a movement can be a very effective force when it comes to delivering change. But what can marketers...

The Secret Sauce

An effective use of ‘Big Data’ is an important part of many digital marketing campaigns but big ideas and creativity are the secret sauce...

Sitting at the Right Table

For it to be effective, experiential marketing must sit at the strategy table and not with the guys hogging the activation table, writes Jonny...

The Changing Face of the Irish Consumer

Change is the essence of the advertising industry but sometimes we tend to forget to focus on the more important changes particularly when it...

Resistance Is Futile

In this era of evolved marketing, data and digital are the new talent battleground, says Charley Stoney. RESISTANCE IS FUTILE” is a well-known phrase that...