IMJ Features

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Appealing to the Census

Niamh Manning, PML Group, on how commuter data from Census 2016 is good news for OOH advertisers. The commuting patterns of the people in Ireland...

Avoiding the Content Crap Trap

Unless your content marketing speaks to people and links back to a big idea which in turn meets key business objectives, then it’s a...

Opinion: Discovering the Future of Online Shopping

Following a year of dramatic growth in the online economy, ‘discovery commerce’ is well on the way to redefining the future of marketing, writes...

How Content is Consumed Online

Stephen Foskin looks at the changes in how content is consumed online and the challenges this presents for advertisers. There has been considerable evolution in...

What’s New in Digital?

It’s that time of year when people look for the shiny new thing in digital that they can stuff into their marketing plan for...

Opinion: How Tech is Pushing OOH Further Down the Purchasing Funnel

To ignore the potential of OOH in driving action or inspiring a purchase, would be a missed opportunity, writes Aoife Hudson. Traditionally, Out of Home...

Boring Doesn’t Sell

Colin Hart outlines his views on creativity and why Boring Doesn’t Sell. The now legendary stat that 94%* of advertising is invisible is a bit...

Opinion: If You Can’t Measure it You Can’t Manage it

When it comes to performance marketing campaigns,  the importance of measurement cannot be overstated and it must be baked into all stages of the...

Putting Diversity in your Creative Armoury

Increasingly agencies are turning to other professions and industries to recruit staff as they begin to realise the potential a diverse workforce can bring...

Rehab, Abortion & Digital Spoofery

As always, there’s lots of spoofing going on in the digital world as the recent controversies surrounding Cambridge Analytica and the UK rehab clinics...