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The Power of Good Communications

One of the Government’s most contentious initiatives since June, the creation of the Strategic Communications Unit is a smart move and long overdue, writes...

Research Shows Newspapers Played an Effective Role in Delivering Covid-19 Messaging

New research has shown that newspapers play a highly effective role in delivering timely and complex Covid-19 public awareness messages to the public. Since the...

Experience Counts

If content is king, then it had better make room on the throne for the branded experience, writes Barry Muldowney. The events business has evolved...

Growing from Strength to Strength

This year sees the 25th Anniversary of the APMC Star Awards and in celebration of the quarter of a century milestone, the Promotional Marketing...

Opinion: The Role of Creativity in Business Today

Creativity will be one of the defining factors for success in business. Because of this we need to embrace it and ensure that it...

Fear and Loathing in Adland

There’s an unseen entity at work, talking us out of creating truly effective work. We need to trust each other more, writes Graham Stewart....

Opinion: Strong Creator Communities Unlock Long Term Gains for Brands

Sarah-Jane Lowes, head of digital and social at Droga5 Dublin, part of Accenture Song, shares new consumer research findings that place reliability and authenticity...

Resistance Is Futile

In this era of evolved marketing, data and digital are the new talent battleground, says Charley Stoney. RESISTANCE IS FUTILE” is a well-known phrase that...

You Can’t Woo Them All

Your brand’s website should let potential customers get a feel for what your brand is all about and, believe it or not, if it...

A Good Alternative to Facebook

  With marketers reviewing their Facebook strategies following its recent decision to tweak its algorithms, LinkedIn is proving to be an increasingly popular platform for...