Home News Publicis Dublin Wins Ervia Account

Publicis Dublin Wins Ervia Account

Pictured: Padraig Burns, managing director, Publicis Dublin.

Publicis Dublin has picked up the creative account for Ervia, the commercial semi-state company which provides strategic national gas and water infrastructure through Gas Networks Ireland and Irish Water. In what went down to a four-way pitch, Publicis Dublin saw off JWT Folk, TBWA\Dublin  and BBDO Dublin. The incumbent, Rothco | Accenture Interactive, did not repitch for the account.

 “At the start of 2019  we evolved our agency offering, broadening our skills base to become a creative consultancy. While we’ve always been great storytellers,  we’re now also a multi-disciplinary team who  can solve a range of business problems. This win validates that model and it couldn’t come at a better time,” says Padraig Burns, managing director, Publicis Dublin.

Other clients of the agency include Virgin Media, permanent tsb, SPAR, Renault, VHI, TG4 and Renault.


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