Home News Appointments Murphy and Scraggs Join Board of Copy Clear

Murphy and Scraggs Join Board of Copy Clear

Jimmy Murphy takes over from David Quinn and is commercial director with ACNE Dublin and a former president of IAPI. He is also a former Chair of the Marketing Society and has played a pivotal role in securing numerous advertising awards both domestically and internationally. Prior to ACNE, he was a partner at Publicis Dublin, which had acquired his agency, The Hive, in 2011.

“Ensuring standards is critical to the viability and influence of our industry. We all want to do great work that contributes to wider society in a positive way and Copy Clear is a vital organization for achieving this,” he says.

Zoë Scraggs, meanwhile, replaced Louise Smith on the board. Scraggs is an account director with Folk VML, where she leads consumer and sponsorship communications for Vodafone. She has also worked with Irish brands such as An Post, Bus Éireann, Bewley’s, and Bulmer’s. Her international experience includes collaborations with global giants like HBO Max, Twitter, and Heineken during a tenure in the Middle East.

Copy Clear was established to ensure that marketing communications for alcohol brands comply with the ASAI code, whether created in Ireland or adapted from another market.

“I would like to express my thanks to David Quinn and Louise Smith for their service and dedication to the Copy Clear board over the past few years,” says Caroline Sleiman, chairperson, Copy Clear.

“We also welcome Zoë Scraggs and Jimmy Murphy to the board with our newest additions strengthening the board’s commitment to upholding the highest standards in advertising and marketing communications. Their diverse backgrounds and expertise will undoubtedly contribute to the continued success and integrity of Copy Clear’s mission.”

Apart from Jimmy Murphy, Zoe Scraggs and Caroline Sleiman, the other directors of Copy Clear Barry Dooley, CEO, AAI; Charley Stoney, CEO, IAPI; Cian Corbett, Digital Content Marketing Manager, AIB; Robyn O’Mara, CMO, Electric Ireland Superhomes; Gill Blake Swift, Director of Brand & Advertising, Boyle Sports  and John Gildea, Business Director, Owens DDB.

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