There are just two weeks to go until the final deadline for entries to the Effie Awards Ireland 2021.
The closing date for the third round of entries is Friday June 18th and IAPI has stated that there will be no deadline extension beyond this date.
All entries must be submitted, paid and compliance checked in advance of the first-round judging which has been scheduled for early July.
To help educate and inspire entrants, IAPI has secured temporary free access to Effie Worldwide’s library of finalist and award-winning cases, including summaries, videos of the winning work and hundreds of written case studies on effective marketing strategies, ideas and results. The purpose of the case database is to educate about effective marketing and to showcase the companies and individuals creating effective work to enhance learning in our industry.
Charley Stoney said “As it’s IAPI’s inaugural year for Effie Awards Ireland, we have been able to grant complimentary access to a number of sample case studies from other Effie Awards regions that we thought clients and agencies may find helpful. Entrants are encouraged to review the case studies from past Effie Awards winners for inspiration. We can also provide access to a selection of complimentary case studies from the UK, US and Canada. We hope you find all of this helpful in preparing your entries for the upcoming final deadline of Friday 18th June.”
You can access the 2021 Entry Kit and other vital information and resources on effie.org/ireland. The Entry Kit contains all the important information to guide you through the entry process. However, if you have any other questions related to the Effie Awards Ireland competition, please contact katherine@iapi.com