Home News IAPI & Marketing Society Future Council Take first STEPS with Mentoring Initiative

IAPI & Marketing Society Future Council Take first STEPS with Mentoring Initiative

IAPI has launched a “collaborative mentoring initiative” with the Marketing Society’s Future Council.

Called STEPS (Share, Teach, Elevate, Progress, and Support), the aim of the initiative is to foster a culture of continuous growth and mutual development within the industry.

“We are so excited to be launching this new programme in partnership with IAPI – This initiative is incredibly important and needs to be done the right way in order to leave a lasting legacy,” says Laura Cassidy, manager, Accenture Song and chairperson of the Marketing Society’s Future Council.

“ We have found that often mentorship programmes solely prioritize the mentees’ experience, failing to provide the foundational support that mentors need to thrive. STEPS ensures that the programme is enriching for mentors and mentees alike! Our goal is that STEPS becomes a way to empower some of the best in our industry to mentor the next generation, setting both cohorts up for success and supporting them along the way. STEPS is designed to offer managers the opportunity to enhance their leadership expertise, expand their networks, and become influential voices, as they guide, nurture, and inspire the next wave of talent in our industry.”

According to Adam Brannigan, group account director, Frank & Bear/Frankly & IAPI board member: “The STEPS mentorship program is a vital initiative designed to nurture the next generation of marketing and advertising leaders while enriching the skills and perspectives of our mentors. As senior managers, we have a responsibility to share our hard-earned wisdom and essential skills to support the growth of young professionals. By participating in this program, mentors receive valuable training and coaching, enhancing their leadership abilities and keeping our industry dynamic and innovative. This collaborative effort between IAPI and The Marketing Society Future Council strengthens our entire industry, fostering a culture of mutual growth and progress. I am proud to be part of providing the guidance and support that will propel our field forward.”

For more information visit iapi.ie/STEPS or email katherine@iapi.com

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