Home Insights Insight of the Week: Targetable Tablet Owners

Insight of the Week: Targetable Tablet Owners

index1With tablet ownership in Ireland rising and technology continuing to develop, Kantar Media TGI Ireland reveals further insights into ‘digital natives’.

In Ireland, 29% of Irish adults own a tablet, equating to just over 1 million people. TGI Ireland reveals what tablet owners are like, why they behave the way they do and how marketers can engage and target them effectively.

Kantar Media TGI Ireland reveals that just over 50% of tablet owners bought their tablet in the last year. The top 3 brands that Irish tablet owners have are Apple, Samsung and Acer. Moreover, this group are 49% more likely than the average adult to agree with the statement “I couldn’t live without my smartphone.”

This group are internet savvy, with 30% agreeing that shopping on the internet makes their life easier. Nearly 60% often refer to the internet before making a purchase.

Another medium which advertisers could use to target tablet owners is outdoor advertising. According to the Kantar research, 52% of tablet owners have seen large posters on boards at the side of the road/buildings in the past week while 42% have seen bus stop advertising. A further 38% have seen advertising on the outside of a bus.

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