Home News Wolfgang Digital to Host Free Webinar on Imminent Changes in Digital Marketing

Wolfgang Digital to Host Free Webinar on Imminent Changes in Digital Marketing

With the digital marketing landscape undergoing considerable change at the moment, Wolfgang Digital is hosting a free online webinar to discuss these changes and the impact they will have on many brands’ PPC strategies.

The free webinar will be held next Wednesday, June 14th at 12pm.

Some of the topics that will be up for discussion include how brands can effectively track users in the future, how they will manage without cookie-dependent targeting and tracking and the plans for Google Analytics 4 and the impact that this will have on conversion-tracking and what contingency plans brands should put in place.

On hand to discuss these topics and more will be Wolfgang’s Jelle Evertsen, PPC Client Lead and Iulian Grecu, Tech & Analytics Lead.

The webinar is free to attend but registration is required. To register click HERE

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