Home News Bikes Top Santa’s Christmas Wish-list According to Research by Core

Bikes Top Santa’s Christmas Wish-list According to Research by Core

With growing levels of obesity amongst Irish children a hot topic in Irish marketing and advertising circles at the moment, it may come as a surprise to learn that bikes are likely to be one of the top presents sought after by Irish kids this Christmas.

According to research carried out by Core bikes are top of the Santa wish-list, followed by Lego. However, that’s where the nod towards a healthier and more balanced lifestyle ends for the nation’s children as iPhones/iPads come in third place followed by Playstation (5th), laptop/tablet (6th), smartphone (7th) and Nintendo Switch (8th). Rounding off the Top 10 most sought-after presents are Paw Patrol (9th) and books (10th), although to be fair L.O.L Dolls come in 4th place.

“While each Christmas sees newcomers top the list of most-wanted toys, the data shows that some classic staples remain ever-popular with Irish children. Core surveyed Irish parents to ask about their children’s wish-lists and bicycles emerged as a firm favourite with Irish children, beating competition from brand new toy types to top the league table,” says Core.

On our love of technology Core adds: “While traditional toys are in demand, tech shows no sign of going out of fashion, with laptops, iPhones and iPads all featuring strongly across wish-lists. Gaming is also topping the charts, with Nintendo Switch, Xbox and PlayStation among the top ten requests cited by parents surveyed. Online searches for PlayStation are steady, with a spike around Black Friday, while Nintendo Switch looks set to finish out the year strongly, with searches for the gaming system trending ahead of last year.”

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