Online traffic to RTÉ’s online and mobile services (RTÉ.ie, RTÉ News Now app, RTÉ Player, RTÉ radio apps) reached record levels in 2016, attracting up to 1.2 million browsers per day, according to figures released by RTÉ.
According to Muirne Laffan, chief digital officer: “Within the Irish market, RTÉ operates the number one multi-media website, news and entertainment app and on-demand TV and radio services. With close to 50% of Irish adults connecting with RTÉ’s online services every week, 2016 delivered strong growth and engagement with online audiences. This reflects the increasingly important role of our online services for the public’s access and consumption of RTÉ content and our constant focus on harmonising our online services with our audiences’ lives, while evolving our offering to meet consumers’ new expectations.”
“Across our digital services, RTÉ is seeing some interesting trends. Audience expectations are constantly growing, in terms of expected product performance and the availability of our online and mobile services across multiple platforms. To keep pace with expectations, RTÉ.ie has undergone a significant redesign and its transformation will continue into 2017. The insatiable appetite for online news is reflected in the marked increase in online traffic across our online and mobile news platforms, RTÉ.ie and RTÉ News Now. RTÉ Player, which served a record 50 million streams this year, is also evolving, expanding beyond a pure catch-up TV offering, to become an exciting TV and video destination; offering extra and exclusive content and commissioning new original short form content to better serve the rise in mobile users. Live streaming of content was also significantly up this year, reflecting changing viewing habits.”