With the economy now back on track and the unemployment rate now at 8.8%, the lowest since December 2008, Irish “Urbanites” are more confident about their future jobs prospects according to new research carried out by Exterion Media’s work.shop.play online research panel.
According to the research 58% of Irish Urbanites are feeling positive about the current jobs market with Irish males even more optimistic about their future job prospects (63%).
Some 41% of the work.shop.play.ie community are looking for a new job or change of career during 2016. This increases to 57% amongst those in their twenties.
When looking for and deciding upon a new role, Irish Urbanites consider doing something they love as the most important aspect (76%). Increased salary (68%), career advancement (56%), and the people (49%) were considered as the next most important attributes.
The research also highlighted that the commute is an especially popular time for job hunting. Two thirds of Irish Urbanites have searched for a job whilst making their way into or home from work. A further one third have emailed a CV/application to a potential employer and just over one quarter of Urbanites have filled out an application online form relating to a new job whilst on the commute.
“Our latest survey from work.shop.play. reflects the increase in consumer confidence in the Irish market and in particular in the jobs market. It is very interesting to see that liking your job is more important to Irish Urbanites than an increased salary or career advancement,” says Antoinette O’Callaghan, marketing manager of Exterion Media.